Kylie Jenner attends the Business of Fashion BoF 500 Class of 2024 during Paris Fashion Week at Shangri-La Hotel Paris on September 28, 2024 in Paris, France. We have added 16 HQ photos. Enjoy!

Kylie Jenner attends the Business of Fashion BoF 500 Class of 2024 during Paris Fashion Week at Shangri-La Hotel Paris on September 28, 2024 in Paris, France. We have added 16 HQ photos. Enjoy! Kylie Jenner Unveils Her New Collaboration with Atlein. Two years ago, as Kylie Jenner was partaking in one of her signature beach photo shoots for Instagram, she wore a white Atlein ruched dress that she simply couldn’t get enough of. “I first came across his brand when my stylist brought me a few pieces,” Jenner tells Vogue. “I had just had a baby, and I remember not feeling so great—but I loved that dress.” Flash-forward to present day, and Jenner is unveiling a new collaboration with Atlein designer Antonin Tron today, through her very own clothing label, Khy. “I always feel so confident and comfortable when I wear Antonin’s creations,” says Jenner. “I’m a huge fan of his intricate draping and layering.”
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Kylie Jenner attends the H-Lorenzo/Ioannes event on August 30, 2024 in West Hollywood. We have added 5 HQ photos. Enjoy!
Archive: Kylie Jenner on «Miss Vogue» October Issue 2014. We have updated the photos from the photoshoot to HQ, photographed by Columbine Goldsmith. Enjoy! From The Archive: When Vogue Met A 17-Year-Old Kylie Jenner
As Giles Hattersley notes in British Vogue’s September 2024 cover story, despite only being on the cusp of her 27th birthday, Kylie Jenner has been famous since before Gordon Brown left office. “I don’t really remember a time before there were the lights and the cameras,” she admits, with the first season of Keeping up With the Kardashians premiering shortly after she hit double digits. In the years since, she’s worn many different hats (and wigs), with Vogue first featuring her in October 2014, on the eve of her King Kylie era. At that point, she was better known for constantly switching up her hair colour than Kylie Lip Kits, counted a sci-fi novel among her recent projects, and boasted just 14.6 million followers across Instagram and Twitter compared to today’s 437.8 million. “I’m only 17 and I don’t have to have it all figured out right now,” she told journalist Evelyn Crowley at the time. A decade (and two children) later, and she’s well on her way to nailing it. As she graces her first British Vogue cover, revisit her 2014 shoot and interview in full, below.
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Kylie Jenner on the cover of British «Vogue» September Issue 2024. In our gllery was added covers for this magazine and a HQ photoshoot, photographed by Luis Alberto Rodriguez. Enjoy! How Kylie Jenner Won At Fashion, Family And Dating On The DL: “I’m Having The Most Fun” Kylie Jenner is as polarising as she is influential. Yet, despite hundreds of millions of eyes following her every move, the life, loves and longings of the woman herself have remained shrouded in mystery… until now. For the first time, from Paris couture, via New York and LA, she lets British Vogue into her world. By Giles Hattersley. Photographs by Luis Alberto Rodriguez. Styling by Ib Kamara.
Kylie Jenner materialises as if from the ether. It’s impressive. One moment you’re staring out the window, many floors up in a Manhattan skyscraper, your head running with questions – Will she say anything? What will she look like up close? Are people going to be cranky she’s on the cover of Vogue? Is Timothée Chalamet kicking around here somewhere? – the next she is standing right behind me, her bodyguard José hovering a few feet away, the pair having stealthily arrived as smoothly and silently as a pair of Teslas.
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“I could do this everyday.” British Vogue cover star Kylie Jenner tries a bunch of English dishes she’s never had before. While sitting down with Vogue for afternoon tea, Kylie Jenner tastes her way through a variety of traditional British foods. Yes, she may not be an expert in “scones etiquette,” but the self-proclaimed picky eater could very well be a connoisseur of British cuisine by the time she gets through these eight courses.
00:00 – Earthquake!
00:10 – Tea
00:25 – Chicken Salad Sandwich
01:14 – Cucumber and Cream Cheese Sandwich
01:34 – Egg and Cress Sandwich
02:26 – Cheers!
02:31 – Scones (time)
03:47 – Strawberries and Cream
04:28 – Coconut Cream Bundt Cake
04:58 – Petit Fours