Kylie Jenner appeared on the cover of «Vanity Fair» Italia magazine March Issue. In our gllery was added covers for this mag and a HQ photoshoot, photographed by Luigi and Iango. Enjoy!

Vanity Fair: The American dream now has a last name: Kardashian. Or rather: Kardashian-Jenner. The world’s most famous extended family is a reality that surpasses any fantasy, a clan of women: mother and matriarch, Kris Jenner, with daughters Kourtney, Kim, and Khloé (with her first husband Robert Kardashian) plus Kendall and Kylie (with her second, Caitlyn Marie Jenner).
Six women, six Ks who upended everything we thought we knew about celebrities: first with a reality show (Keeping Up with the Kardashians, 20 seasons and 260 episodes) and then with a string of zeros that is unmatched in the world (on Instagram alone, the six Ks are followed by more than 1.5 billion people; to be precise, at the time I write this, they collectively have 1,559,500,000 followers). The Kardashian-Jenners have not only entertained the world, they have shaped its customs and habits. They have, for better or worse, been stamped onto the dreams and nightmares of contemporary culture.
In Paris, we meet the youngest of them: Kylie Jenner. At 25 years old, with two children and reportedly newly separated from husband, Travis Scott, she heads a multimillion-dollar beauty product brand. She is followed by 380 million people on Instagram and is the most-followed woman on social following only two men (Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi).
I have to start here: How does it feel to be followed by 380 million people watching, commenting, criticizing your every move?
«The truth? I grew up in the TV spotlight since I was nine years old. It has always been natural for me. Notoriety, exposure never got in the way of my personality. Fame came early in my life, in a way I can say it came naturally because I can’t define a real before or after—it has always been that way. And I can’t make comparisons with my family either, because my family was not only there, with me, my family is also what keeps me grounded, firmly anchored in the reality of things. Of all things».A difficult question… How do you survive the criticism, the hate, the venomous comments?
«Look, you can’t even imagine what I’ve read over the years about myself. But do you know what’s new? I don’t read the comments anymore. I’ve become strong and I’ve realized that I don’t have to allow them into my life. Of course, you get reactions and sometimes it is impossible not to get caught up in something that is blatantly false. Even in these cases, my mirror is my family, friends, people who love me: they are the only ones who give me back a true image of me, who really know who I am».How does it feel to have all this influence on contemporary culture, especially on the idea of beauty and on women?
«I try not to think about all this responsibility. Since I was a child, I’ve realized that I have a lot of influence: I would dye my hair a certain way, and then when I met with the public, with my sisters, I would see so many women with the same hairstyle as mine. What I do, then, is simple: I strive to become a positive inspiration, I try to remain authentic, to never betray myself».Your mother, Kris, is a key figure in your success story. What is your relationship with her?
«My mother is the strongest woman I know. From an early age she instilled in us the idea that we could do something great. I don’t know how she does it, but she always manages to be perfect, perfect in every moment. As long as I was living at home with her, she was my mom. When I left home, she became my best friend. As far as business is concerned, my mother is my bulldog and my protector. I respect her so much».What about your father?
«My father has always been there. At school, at all the plays, at sporting events. She was always there. She taught me one of the most important lessons: to learn to respect yourself, not to be afraid of who you are. It is a fundamental lesson».There are five sisters. Which one is your favorite?
«It changes over time. Right now it’s Kim».How come?
«Kim has changed so much recently. We are very connected, she is always the first sister I call when I need something. We have been going through a lot of similar experiences lately».Which sister, on the other hand, do you have the least in common with?
«Kendall. Without a doubt Kendall. You know what they say, though? Opposites attract. And that’s how it works with us».What is one thing you have learned from each of your sisters?
«So let’s see. Khloé taught me tenderness and the ability to forgive; Kendall, the importance of friendship and unconditional love; Kourtney, the value of health and the need to not be superficial; Kim, strength, and the ability to always tell yourself that you can do it, come what may. Kim is really strong, really resilient».You are a mother of two. You have made no secret of the difficulties of pregnancy, and the more problematic sides of motherhood. What is your advice to those who face post-partum depression?
«I have experienced it. Twice. The first time was very difficult, the second was more manageable. I would tell those women not to over-think things and to live all the emotions of that moment to the fullest. Stay inside that moment, even if it is painful. I know, in those moments you think that it will never pass, that your body will never be the same as before, that you will never be the same. That’s not true: the hormones, the emotions at that stage are much, much more powerful and bigger than you. My advice is to live through that transition, without fear of the aftermath. The risk is to miss all the most beautiful things of motherhood as well».What are the moments that excited you most when becoming a mother?
«Finding myself in the hospital alone with a new and unknown creature in my arms. It’s such a unique and special situation and it’s all about building with these little beings that you’re learning about. There is another magical moment, though: when you bring your children home. It is perhaps the most beautiful moment».Let’s talk about your career as an entrepreneur in the world of beauty products with the Kylie Cosmetics line. How did it all start?
«I was 15 years old and I was obsessed with lipstick. I never went out without it. I went to my mother and said, “I’d like to create a beauty product line. She didn’t take me seriously right away, however, then she started to believe in it and help me. We made many mistakes, but mistakes are part of projects, they are necessary steps. Maybe it is wrong to call them mistakes. Many of our companies are in Italy—I loved coming to your country, meeting people, pursuing projects together».What product do you think turned out best?
«Oh, that’s difficult. I can tell you that yesterday I was obsessed with lipstick, today with Glow Balm, a radiance cream that I always use on my cheekbones».Who inspires you today?
«My children. And my family».What are your children like?
«The younger is two years old. The older one is five. I am surprised by their personalities: They already know what they want, they are so determined. When I think of them, I get emotional. Sorry. They are so tender and at the same time so strong».How are you raising your children?
«I try to offer them different choices. I am interested in the idea of imparting to them an education in how to take control and accept responsibility for their choices. I think that is very important».What makes you happy?
«Creativity. Doing creative work. I have to say that having reached this point, it’s no longer the material things that really make me happy. I have experienced them. I know what they are and what they are worth. But happiness comes from family, from friends, from the connections I can make with people».Where does the billion-dollar girl, the most followed woman in the world, want to be in ten years?
«Oh my God, ten years. My daughter will be 15, my son 12. And I will be older. I’m expanding my horizons and for sure my plans don’t end here. I will go further—and soon, you will see. Maybe I will want to have more children. I would certainly like to grow as a person and devote myself more to charitable endeavors—it is important to give back some of the good fortune you receive».Interview by @marchettisimone
Photographed by @luigiandiango
Fashion Stylist @annadellorusso
Hair @jesushair @thewallgroup
Make Up @makeupbyariel @Cn7xAgkyY5_
Kylie wears her own Kylie Cosmetics and Kylie Skin products to create the cover looks
Producer @marinamoretti64
Blazer, shirt, tie and ribbon, Valentino Le Club Couture SS 2023 by Pierpaolo Piccioli. Tights, Wolford.
Suit, shirt and bow tie, Schiaparelli Haute Couture by Daniel Roseberry
Thanks to @2bmanagementFebruary 22, 2023